Sunday, 24 July 2022

How we survived Covid-19, part 3

10 July 2022 to 19 July 2022

7 in the family. 
3 survivors.

Generally, our family took about 6-7 days to recover from Covid-19.  
Everyone has different symptoms. 

My Mother In Law, Lilian, 76 years old, and my 2nd son, 11 years old were the 1st 2 to diagnose with ART at home.
Next day was my eldest girl, Alyssa, 13 years old.
Following by my hubby, Edwin, 42 years old, 2 days later.

How 3 of us did not contact Covid-19?
My helper, myself and Elijah, 3.5 years old did not contact Covid-19.

Following is my analysis how we protected ourselves from the Covid virus.

My helper, she was having sore throat since 4 July 2022, monday, and she had been wearing mask since then as she worried she might spread to Elijah who was home for the week.  She did ART on 6 July 2022, it was Covid negative.  She shared a room with my MIL.  As she had been wearing mask, i believe she minimised the airborne exposure to Covid-19.

Myself, most of the day time that incubation week i was not at home as i had home visit with client, meeting with business partners and at office.  On the 9th and 10th July 2022, i was in Alyssa's room having our quiet time for hours.  I thank God for the protection and the constant nourishment of Healthy Breakfast i have been taking daily for years.  Have you heard of this saying, 养兵千日,用兵一时, meaning train your armies for years even though there is no war but when there is war, your armies are always ready for the battle.

Elijah was the most concerned as he is not Covid-19 vaccinated and he just had an operation!
He had a day operation on 28 June 2022 and developed hematoma and high fever on 30 June 2022.  Therefore we decided to keep him home for at least 2 weeks and my MIL was the main care giver this while especially during the incubation period.  She had been playing and napping with him.  Elijah was the highest chance to contact Covid i must say.

Thank God for his protection.  
As i look back, it is revealed to me that everything happen for a reason.  Because Elijah developed hematoma and fever and was given antibiotic and fever medicine, my hubby and i decided to up his Nutritional immunology food intake and forgo the antibiotic and medicine.  As an Excellence Lifestyle Coach, i know what is best for him to speed up his recovery.  

I thank God for the series of drama for Elijah as i reflected during the 1 week Covid period.
I thank God for showing me the way to the science of Nutritional Immunology more than 9 years ago and this starts my journey as an Excellence Lifestyle Coach and so my kids have been free from medication for these 9 years and i could pay it forward to people around me to be healthier, wealthier and happier.

Holding 2 of his favourite Nutritional Immunology food

I also learned from Alyssa that her classmate commented that she recovered fast and does not look like she had Covid as that friend is still coughing after 2 weeks.

Also to share a client of mine who is running a transport company.  Many of her drivers have contacted Covid-19 and she have been close contact with them throughout these 2 over years however many were surprise that she did not get infected with Covid from her work space, social gatherings and family members who were infected, and she is safe.  She credits to the constant nourishment of her Healthy Breakfast and take extra precaution.

Important: There is a misconception that once you contacted Covid-19, you wont get it within 6 month.  My hubby colleague got it 3x within a few month.  Please rem that there are plenty of mutation along with evolution.  You could have gotten from Omicron variant previously and can get from Delta this round.  So people, do not let your guard down and do your preventive measures such as boosting your immune system, wear your mask and wash your hands!

Conclusion, nourish your immune system consistently and diligently so that it can protect, cleanse and repair for you before, during and after the battle.  Our health should not be only taken care when war is here or after the war.  

We cannot control the (next) pandemic, the evolution of health threats and the people around us but we can control ourself is by taking control of our health!

Click next post for our next part on How we survive Covid-19.

Journey with me and lead a Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle to be healthier, wealthier and happier.

Contact me to learn what are the Nutritional Immunology food i provide for my family speedy recovery.

Your Excellence Lifestyle Coach / Lifestyle Blogger & Youtuber
Anlinna Lim
+65 9791 9279
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