Monday 29 December 2014

10 Nutritional Deficiencies That Cause Depression and Mood Disorders

10 Nutrient Deficiencies That Might Cause Depression and Mood Disorder Symptoms:

If you suffer from depression or mood disorders you may be deficient in one of the nutrients below. Researchers have found that many people who suffer from depression and mood disorders are deficient in not just one nutrient but several, all contributing to the symptoms.

#1: Healthy Food Deficiency? Junk Food Diet

Is your diet filled with sugar, junk foods, sodas, or processed foods? Do you often skip meals. If you suffer from depression or mood disorders, start a food diary of the foods you eat every day. You will find answers to your health problems while doing that. Your shopping cart and refrigerator tell the story of your health. My husband works as a cashier at Walmart. People shopping for their family fill their cart with junk sugar filled cereal, chips, candy, soda, , TV dinners, and over-processed food in general. Seven-Elevens thrive on selling candy, soda, and chips to the eat-on-the-run customers. There are very few fresh vegetables or fruit on the average American’s grocery list. This is why so many Americans are obese, depressed, and suffering from diabetes. If your life is not going well, eating junk food is not going to improve your outlook.
For convenience: opt for this.

#2: Omega-3 Fatty Acids Deficiency:

These are found in foods such as fish and Flax Seed Oil. A deficiency of Omega-3 fatty acids or an imbalance between Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids may be one of the contributing factors to your depression. Omega 3 Fatty acids are important to brain function and your mental outlook on life. They also help people who suffer from inflammation and pain problems. Researchers have found that many patients with depression and mood disorders are deficient in Omega 3 Fatty Acids. It is important to buy fish oil that has been cold processed and tested for heavy metals and other contamination. It should state that on the label.
For convenience, opt for this.

#3: Vitamin D Deficiency:

Important to immune function, bones, and brain health. Sunlight is the richest source for natural Vitamin D. The Journal Clinical Nutrition in Jan 21st, 2013 published the result of research that analyzed over 18000 British citizens for Vitamin D deficiencies and associated mental disorders links. They found that a deficiency of Vitamin D was present in patients with depression and panic disorders. The study results stated that people who are deficient in Vitamin D are at higher risk for developing depression later in life. Most seniors are deficient in Vitamin D. Often people working long hours in offices are deficient as well. Get out in the sun. Take a walk during your lunch break or walk your dog. Play a game with your kids outside away from computers and the television. Get out of the house and into the sunshine. Just don’t overdo it if you are sensitive to the sun. Overdoing it is not good either.

#4: B-Vitamins Deficiency:

There is much research in Neuropsychiatry that proves the link between B-Vitamin deficiencies and mood disorders including depression. Buy gel capsules instead of tablets with at least 25 mg for each of the different B- Vitamins included in the formulation.
For convenience, opt for this.

#5: Zinc , Folate, Chromium, and Iron Deficiencies:

Patients with depression are often found deficient in many nutrients including these. Often today’s foods are sadly lacking in minerals and trace minerals.
For convenience, opt for this.

#6: Iodine Deficiency:

Iodine is necessary for the thyroid to work properly. The thyroid, part of the endocrine system, is one of the most important glands in your body. The thyroid gland affects every function of the body including body temperature, immune function, and brain function. Iodine is found in foods such as potatoes, cranberries, Kelp, Arame, Hiziki, Kombu, and Wakame. This problem was once solved by using Iodine enriched salt. Today iodine deficiency is again becoming a problem with salt free diets. Salty chips, processed foods, and junk food do not contain iodized salt.
For convenience: opt for this.

#7: Amino Acids Deficiency: There are 9 necessary amino acids that cannot be manufactured in your body. You must supply them to the body by eating quality food choices.

Amino acids are found in meat, eggs, fish, high quality beans, seeds and nuts. You need to eat a variety of different foods to furnish the body with all the amino acids needed to be healthy. Not all foods contain all nine amino acids. Vegetable food sources for amino acids include Moringa Oleifera leaves. Your brain uses the amino acids found in the food you eat to manufacture neurotransmitters needed for optimal brain function.

What are neurotransmitters and what do they have to do with depression?

Healthy brain function needs the proper balance of neurotransmitters. Some neurotransmitters calm the brain and others excite the brain. Their balance in the brain creates stability of emotions and thinking. Often depression and other mental disorders are caused by imbalances in neurotransmitters. Dopamine, noradrenaline, and GABA are three important neurotransmitters often deficient in depression. Orthomolecular physicians have found that treatment with amino acids including tryptophan, tyrosine, phenylalanine, and methionine can correct different mood disorders like depression. The Orthomolecular doctor first takes urine and blood samples to test your amino acid levels. Then if he finds imbalances, you will be given amino acid supplements in the optimal dosage to correct the problem. Orthomolecular doctors treat the base cause for the depression or mental symptoms. If it is a nutritional imbalance such as a Omega 3 deficiency, you will be prescribed that supplement. Instead of treating with drugs, they treat the deficiencies that cause the mental symptoms with vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.
Most doctors are not schooled in nutrition and diet. They have no time to go over your eating and lifestyle habits. Saying that, a few companies and health providers exist who do have preventive health programs. The reality is a majority of people do not get quality preventive healthcare, especially those on Medicaid or Medical. 
You can contact us for a COMPLIMENTARY Health Consultation.  We are trained by the World Renowned Nutritional Immunologist, Dr Chen Jau Fei who is the founder of the Science of Nutritional Immunology.  She founded Nutritional Immunology as she realised that Nutritionists do not study about immunology and Immunologists do not study about nutrition.


Thank you and best regards
Health Consultant
9791 9279

Sunday 28 December 2014

10 healthy food that are killing you

1. Orange Juice from the Grocery Store

Unless you squeeze orange juice from fresh, (hopefully organic) oranges, you aren’t getting enough nutrition from the juice you are consuming. Store-bought OJ contains the same amount of sugar as a can of Coca-cola, and many times it is added sugar. Many OJ makers are also selling you ‘natural’ juice that isn’t natural at all.
Tropicana recently faced a lawsuit for false-advertising their OJ as ‘100 % juice.’ Much of their juice is full of some strange ingredients, like ‘flavor packets’ that help juice keep its flavor even when it has been sitting around for a year or more. Consuming store-bought juice full of sugar can cause diabetes, obesity, and heart problems. Skip the store-bought juice, including OJ, apple juice, ‘fruit’ juice, and others. These juices aren’t good for you, and a fresh squeezed fruit juice with vegetable juice or brown rice protein added is much healthier.

2. Whole Wheat Bread

If you are consuming whole wheat bread or other wheat products, it is likely you are one of 18 million Americans who have developed a gluten intolerance. There is no GMO-wheat on the market, but Big Ag wheat is nothing like its predecessor. You are really eating ‘junk-wheat’ full of pesticides and altered DNA. Normal gluten is a protein made up of the peptides gliadin and glutenin. It is found in many grains such as wheat, semolina, spelt, kamut, rye, and barley. Our bodies used to know how to digest those proteins because they were made by nature – not mad scientists and greedy corporations. It’s estimated that 5% of the proteins found in hybridized wheat are new proteins that were not found in either of the original wheat plants. These “new proteins” are part of the problem that has led to increased systemic inflammation, widespread gluten intolerance, and higher rates of celiac disease. Skip the altered wheat and try some gluten-free recipes.

3. Gluten-Free Junk Foods

Skipping gluten? Great! But beware. Since food manufacturers realize more and more that people are now gluten intolerant, they have devised a whole slew of gluten-free foods, but they aren’t all good for you. Many contain high levels of refined sugars, chemicals, and other un-fabulous ingredients. Don’t replace one bad habit with another. Junk is still junk. Shop around and use a gluten-free cook book so you can make some delicious foods at home that aren’t full of the industry standards – MSG, sucrose, fructose, GMO, etc.

4. Sugar-Free Products that Contain Agave

While its noble that you should try to ditch the refined sugar since it is toxic and basically as addictive to the body as crack cocaine, many foods labeled as ‘sugar free’ actually contain agave nectar that is loaded with unnatural amounts of fructose, and can spike your glucose levels. Our liver has to metabolize glycogen. When it is over-taxed by eating too much of the stuff, the liver can’t do its job, and it simply turns to fat. This can lead to diabetes and obesity as well as numerous other health issues. Agave nectar can be just as damaging as high fructose corn syrup and refined sugar. Even Dr. Oz, who once touted agave as a health remedy, has retracted his statements touting its benefits.

5. Low-Fat Foods

You’ve got to hand it to the food industry, they are experts at fooling the public into eating food that isn’t actually beneficial. When the ‘low fat’ craze began over a decade ago, people tried to consume fewer fats as a way to stay in better shape, but little did we know that many foods advertised with this label were worse than we would ever think. While the fat is reduced, guess what they replaced ‘fat’ with to keep your foods tasty? Sugar – and loads of it. They also put more chemicals and artificial sweeteners in the food to keep it ‘low fat.’ Aside from the fact that our bodies need healthful fats, these ‘low fat’ foods are extremely damaging – sometimes even causing you to be MORE FAT! Skip the low-fat foods. They often contain: bad salt (see the differences between good salt and bad salt here), high fructose corn syrup, modified food starch (GMO origins), free glutamates (MSG, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, natural flavors), diglycerides (sugar), gums (guar and xanthan) and other questionable ingredient

6. Sports Drinks for Athletes

While it is true that fitness nuts and professional athletes alike burn loads of glycogen and lose precious electrolytes when they sweat their way through a tough workout, sports drinks are not the answer for replenishing them. Many sports drinks contain as much refined sugar as soda. They also typically contain high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), artificial flavors and food coloring, none of which contribute to optimal health. Additionally, drinking down loads of sugar after a workout can cause insulin sensitivity and lower human growth hormone (HGH) production. They also can be full of processed salt, not natural salt (like Himalayan sea salt) that contains important trace minerals your body needs.

7. Vegetable Oils Containing too many Omega 6s

Many vegetable oils on the market are called ‘heart healthy,’ but this is a complete lie. For over 4-5 million years of hominid evolution, people’s diets were abundant in seafood and other sources of omega-3 long chain fatty acids (EPA & DHA), but relatively low in omega-6 seed oils. Anthropological research suggests that our hunter-gatherer ancestors consumed omega-6 and omega-3 fats in a ratio of roughly 1:1. It also indicates that both ancient and modern hunter-gatherers were free of many modern inflammatory diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, which are the primary causes of death and morbidity today. You can find a list of oils that contain high levels of Omega 6s, here. They aren’t all bad. Just be sure you are consuming Omega 3s and 6s in the correct ratio.

8. Fake Butter (Margarine)

That’s right, it is time to go back to real, organic, grass-fed butter – not margarine! Margarine is made by heating a very cheap vegetable oil that is already damaged to extremely high temperatures (creating free radicals), strong pressure is applied, and the hydrogen is forced into the structure of the oil to make it solid. This might not sound so bad, but they need to use toxic chemicals, nickel oxide, for example, to force the change in molecular structure so that you end up with margarine. Go back to real butter. It is so much better. Real butter contains high levels of Vitamin K and other nutrients, and fake butters do not. Check out NaturalSociety’s post Butter vs. Margarine to learn more.

9. Low Carb Foods

Have you tried the Atkins diet and failed at losing weight? It shouldn’t be a big surprise when you realize what is in many of this company’s foods as well as others in the industry promoting the ‘low-carb’ diet. Here is an ingredient list for an Atkins bar – doesn’t look like food at all does it? A balanced diet full of whole, nutritious foods is always a better way to lose weight without stuffing your body full of toxic, carcinogenic chemicals that can wreck havoc on your endocrine system and make losing weight even harder.

10. Vitamin Water

It even sounds healthy, but Coca-Cola’s Vitamin Water is one of the biggest marketing scams ever invented. Even the company’s own lawyer admits this fact. In response to a recent lawsuit against Coca-Cola filed by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), Coke’s attorneys replied in court briefings that, “…no consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking vitamin water was a healthy beverage.” So what’s the problem? The beverage should really be named artificially colored and flavored sugar water. Besides, it contains only trace amounts of synthetic, chemical vitamins which most people’s bodies can’t assimilate, so skip the pricey bottle, drink some real, purified water, and eat some greens. You’ll be better off. What’s more, the company recently shelled out over $3 million to defeat GMO labeling – do you want to support a company who doesn’t want you to know what is in your food?


Thank you and best regards
Health Consultant
9791 9279

Fruit juice often laden with sugar, warns HPB

Please refer to my previous post dated 27 July 2014,

Thank you and best regards
Health Consultant
9791 9279

Thank You Note: Gwei Hua oil

Thank you and best regards
Health Consultant
9791 9279

Soft and silky hair

I brought the Fragrant Indulgence lavender anti dandruff shampoo to our Christmas short getaway to malacca.

Hubby used it for the 1st time and commented that this shampoo is good and make his hair soft. :)

Thank you and best regards
Health Consultant

Monday 22 December 2014

Anlinna sprain ankle

Missing 2 flights of stairs and landed on my leg foot with a loud crack. ouch!

I was back on heels within a week. :)

Know more about oxyginberry.

Know more glucosamine.

Thank you and best regards
Health Consultant / speaker / lifestyle blogger

Recipe: Aromantic Pancakes with Blended Cooking Oil and Orchestra dressing

What is Blended cooking oil?

Sign up for our NEWSLETTER on the top right corner of this page to receive our homemade jam recipe.

Thank you and best regards
Health Consultant

Sunday 21 December 2014

Top killers in Singapore

We refer to our sharing on 5 December  2014, indeed we are facing premature diseases and stress is a silent killer.

Are we taking action to prevent the modern health risks we are facing?

Prevention is better than cure.

Thank you and best regards
Health Consultant

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Hair coloring experience

It had been 5 years since I coloured my hair.

Today is my 1st time doing home DIY colouring.  I use the Moisturizing Hair kit which is made of plant extract.

I spent 15min applying and left it for 30min and wash off with Lavender Fragrant Indulgence anti dandruff shampoo and completed with moisturizing  conditioner.

I like my hair colour and most importantly  it is not damaging to my hair.  After the hair is dry,  it feels soft and silky!

Testimonial from a man, my hubby who is always skeptical...on the shampoo.

You should try!  ☺

Why our Moisurising hair kit, click here.

Thank you and best regards
Health Consultant

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Thank You Note: Healthy & convenient breakfast for weaning babies

Thanks Evonne for her sharing.  A wise mummy who knows what's best for her girl. Her lovely girl is now 6 months old and starting on semi solid food. Evonne has found this convenient wholesome super food to her girl's diet.

Parents who want to start weaning their kids with commercial rice cereal,  can consider this recipe for healthy,  safe,  non added preservation and addictive, breakfast.

In fact anyone can take the above combination for a healthy breakfast and promote healthy digestive system.

Read here on what's evernew,  oxyginberry,  nutrifresh and oseed.

Thank you and best regards
Health Consultant

Saturday 13 December 2014

My children healthy breakfast

I decided to add an oomph to my children already-powerful-breakfast drink by introducing Evernew to it.

I realize that living in a modern society, almost all people are lacking in fibre. The saying of "an apple a day, keeps the doctor away" is not working in our current society. We need 25gm or 10 apples of fibre daily. Are we taking enough? I also realize that many parents introduce probiotic to their children. Parents, do you know we can self produce good bacteria?

Read the cons of consuming probiotic here.

Read here on the importance of a good digestive system.

Thus I decided to introduce Evernew to their breakfast to let them self produce good bacteria and to have a good digestive system.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It should be pack with super food which give us fuel for the day. Breakfast can be heavy but not oily.

What is Evernew???
EverNew Orange is a delicious and convenient beverage, containing a balanced mix of insoluble and soluble fiber from orange, banana, oats and psyllium husks.

Soluble fiber can help to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood and control blood sugar levels. Insoluble fiber can enhance digestion and aid metabolism. Research indicates that fiber plays a very important role in the body: it can prevent intestine, stomach and heart diseases, diabetes and some cancers.

Sweet, tart and so refreshing, orange is rich in vitamin C and contains protopectin—a naturally occurring compound made up of cellulose and pectin.

What is Nutrifresh???
Nutrifresh is a daily nutrition beverage made with an assortment of healthy plant foods like wholedome soy, fruits and vegetables. Rich in soy protein and phytonutrients, calcium and non soluble fibre, it is an ideal replacement for animal proteins.

What is oxyginberry???
Oxyginberry is a healthy organic wholesome plant food beverage which has 6 key ingredients (Ginseng berries, Cactus, Cactus fruit, grape seeds, rose and seaweeds) that has exceptionally high antioxidants and phytochemicals to help us self stimulate the growth of collagen to prevent premature aging and common illnesses. It nourish us from in and out, top to toe and improve our immunity and concentration etc.

What is Oseed???
O-SEED is made from chia seeds and kiwi fruit seeds. O-SEED is suitable for vegetarians and those who do not like the fishy taste or burp of omega-3 fish oil supplements.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to human cell membranes. They help reduce triglycerides (fats in the blood), lower blood pressure and prevent atherosclerosis, thereby promoting cardiovascular health and a stronger immune system, which, in turn, helps reduce inflammation and allergic reactions. Research has shown that omega-3 fatty acids promote better learning and cognition, playing a key role in early childhood development.

Chia seeds are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. It is also rich in flavonol glycosides and chlorogenic acid, which help combat free radical damage and nourish the immune system. Kiwi fruit seeds are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and contains about 62% ALA. Kiwi fruit seeds are also high in tocotrienols, which help lower cholesterol, prevent atherosclerosis, and combat free radical damage.

Oseed provides you calcium, ALA, protein and fibre.

Contact us for 1-1 COMPLIMENTARY consultation for your family.

Thank you and best regards
Health Consultant

Thursday 11 December 2014

weight loss products landed 2 in hospital

Watch a LIVE interview here.

Many a time,  people look for immediate and effective result and jeopardize their health just to look beautiful and good.  We need to learn to be a wiser consumer.  How?

There are better ways to weight loss.

Thank you and best regards
Health Consultant

Monday 8 December 2014

The Pursuit of Excellence Award Presentation 2014

My 2nd "graduation" to mark the achievement of my life. Walking on red carpet, received double wards and represented Royal Premier to deliver appreciation speech to thousand audience.

2014 is a great year and a year of breakthrough for me.

I thank God for everything.

Thank you and best regards
Corporate trainer

Monday 1 December 2014

Recipe: Aromantic with Blended Cooking Oil mini Cupcakes

Blessed Christmas!!!

To get recipe, subscribe our newsletter on the top right page of our website.

To stand a chance to win a box of this Aromantic with Blended Cooking Oil mini Cupcakes worth $19.90,

1. LIKE this page;
2. LIKE and SHARE this post.

Giveaway ends 25 December 2014

Thank you and best regards
Corporate Trainer

Friday 21 November 2014

Recipe: homemade jam 2

Sign up for our NEWSLETTER on the top right corner of this page to receive our homemade jam recipe.

Thank you and best regards
Corporate Trainer

Thursday 20 November 2014

Recipe: Nutrifresh popsicle 3

Sign up for our NEWSLETTER on the top right corner of this page to receive our homemade AROMANTIC NUTRIFRESH POPSICLE recipe.

Thank you and best regards
Corporate Trainer

Sunday 16 November 2014

Recipe: homemade jam 1

Sign up for our NEWSLETTER on the top right corner of this page to receive our homemade jam recipe.

Thank you and best regards
Corporate Trainer

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Testimonial: Anlinna finger cut

We went Melbourne early Oct 2014 and the weather was cold and dry and I had to do the washing. Thanks to the Rose Essence Phytolift Firming Hand Cream.

Rose Essence Phytolift Firming Hand Treatment contains rose extract and Oxyginberry Complex to help skin stimulate collagen production for supple and smooth hands. Rose Essence Phytolift Firming Hand Treatment contains a unique active anti-bacterial ingredient that can suppress bacterial growth. Keep your delicate hands clean while you enjoy the lovely scent of roses. Carry it with you anywhere to give your hands the treatment they deserve. Read more here:

Thank you and best regards

Friday 31 October 2014

Discover your digestive system the NI way

According to latest health stastic,  colorectal cancer is the top 3 cancer in Singapore.

Our body is formed with many different systems.  Watch the videos below and you will understand that digestive system is an important system in our body.  Weak and malfunction digestive system affects our functionality of detoxification, absorption and affect our livers which will also affect our body as a whole and affect our immune system to do proper defense, cleanse and repair.

Watch "How Digestion Works" on YouTube. Discover how poor digestive system can lead to fatty liver.

Watch "What Causes Constipation?" on YouTube.  Discover the causes of constipation.

To prevent constipation and proper detoxification, adequate amount of water and fibre are required to have a healthy digestive system.

How to prevent through you daily diet:
You should consume at least 2-3 litres of water (the colour of your urine will be able to tell.  There should be no odour and it should be colourless) and fiber of at least 10 apples a day.

For convenience
I Shape (lite) is a high fiber and low calorie (57 and 74) beverage with soy, psyllium husks and american ginseng and many different plant fruits and vegetables with no added chemical nor addictive.  It also provide a source of calcium, protein, fiber, folic acid (from plant) and other disease fighting nutrients to strengthen the immune system.  High fiber diet helps to lower the risk of fatty livers and prevent cardiovascular diseases and colorectal cancer.

Orchestra is a beverage with kumazasa, ashitaba and platycodon roots which helps to improve cardiovascular, digestive and nervous systems.  This synergised beverage has cancer prevention properties and anti allergic, anti viral and anti bacteria properties as well. 

To further enhance your digestive system functionality,  read here.

If you want to receive E-magazines on the above topics, join our mailing list (see top right corner of the page) now or contact us for the next workshop Which cover the above or contact us for a COMPLIMENTARY personal consultant!

LIKE our FB page to receive latest update.

Thank you and best regards
Health trainer / speaker / coach
9791 9279

Thursday 30 October 2014

Our services

We are an education training provider for health workshops based on the principle of healthy living through the science of Nutritional Immunology lifestyles.

We are trained by the World Renowned Nutritional Immunologist, Dr Chen Jau Fei who is the founder of the Science of Nutritional Immunology.  She founded Nutritional Immunology as she realised that Nutritionists do not study about immunology and Immunologists do not study about nutrition.
Dr Chen Jau Fei on CNA.

We provide workshops for corporations, education centres,  Healthcare instuitions, clubs etc and personal consultation. These are some of our testimonials from our clients. 

Call us at 9791 9279 for appointment / free personal consultation.

Thank you and best regards
Health Consultant

Thank you note from our clients

On our workshops

"A helpful resource for parents who are interested in wholesome food and health for their children."

"Anlinna is always helpful in answering questions about health in general which many people will find useful."
~Liane Shaw,  Principal of Shaws Preschools

"Is a good & informative workshop to attend as it clear all the misconceptions of the supplements we are all been taking. From there, I learnt how to let my family consume the correct wholesome food to build up our immunity & save on medical bills . Definitely a must to attend for parents!"

~Patsy Chan, Mummy of 2 girls

"It is an informative and good workshop where I learnt about the various super fruits with high nutritional values as well as the various functions of our immune systems. Most importantly, I learnt to be a wise consumer going forward from the knowledge gained on how to read food labels."
~Tan Lixuan

"A resourceful workshop from which I learnt about our body immunity system and the right foods to consume. The knowledge gained will definitely help to improve our current health going forward."
~Wendy Tan, Mummy of 2 girls 

On our services

~Christine Tan, Mummy of 2 children

~Angeline Lee, Mummy of Kaylee

~Elizabeth, Mummy of Joshua

~Joanne Tan, Mummy of 2 boys

"I was desperate to find a remedy after my elder daughter is having a high fever even after completed a whole course of medication from the GP.  I went to Google online & was lucky to find Anlinna who advised me what I should give to my daughter. Within 2 days, my daughter is finally recovered & I am glad I did not send her to the GP again . Best part her appetite gets better after consuming the wholesome food."

~Patsy Chan, Mummy of 2 girls

"I got to know Anlinna when our kids attended the same enrichment class nearly two years ago.  As mummies, we are naturally concerned about our kids' health; when they are healthy, we mummies are happy. As my kids would fall sick every one to two months,  Anlinna shared the science of nutritional immunology with me when she came to know about it.

For the past one and a half years, my kids have been taking the right wholesome super food to nourish their immunity and we have noticed that their health has greatly improved and they recover faster, when compared to taking medication and synthetic vitamins.

Anlinna and her team are always ready to reply to my queries and concerns and provide great advice on how to lead a nutritional immunology lifestyle, even when she was away on holiday.  She will also keep me updated on talks and seminars on health matters organised by her team.  Her dedication and passion in helping others, coupled with her strong belief in Nutritional Immunology, is indeed admirable!

She also bake great mini cupcakes too using healthy ingredients. We are a fan of her aromantic cupcakes!  You should check out her website for more kids healthy breakfast and snacks recipe."
~Winnie Wong, Mummy of 3 children

"I'm very thankful to chanced upon the Science of Nutritional Immunology through Anlinna while I was so helpless during my son continuously fallen sick resulting near miss to hospitalize in March this year. My son health has seen much improved ever since started him with wholesome plant food. Definitely a must to share such a good and helpful source to all the mummies!! A BIG thank you to Anlinna."

~Ivy Chong, Mummy of 1 boy

"Wholesome Super Food provides me a good convenient alternative on days when I feel lazy to make my daily smoothie. Anlinna is a kind and helpful lady who is sincere in helping people gain their health and always keen on bringing awareness to people about healthy living through diet and lifestyle improvement."

~Christine Yeo

"I am very blessed that I've known Anlinna. Through her sharing of Nutritional Immunology with me, I've gain health for my family and most importantly my 3 year old daughter. I've been a very cautious mommy when it comes to my daughter's diet. I did lots of research when my gal started weaning. Til this day, she is still having home-cooked food when we dine out. 

I'm so thankful that I kept an open mind when Anlinna told me about Wholesome Super Food. These effective and safe Wholesome Super Food improves and boosts my daughter's immunity despite her first year in preschool. Amazingly, she hardly fall ill. Even if she does feel unwell, her recovery time is fast without any medication. We haven't seen her PD for a year now. In fact, all her classmates' mommies are impressed with my gal's well being!!! Our kids health is utmost important to us. Its a really comfort to me when I know I'm boosting my daughter's immunity and allowing her body to be able to heal itself by giving her Wholesome Super Food. 

Words can't describe how thankful I am to Anlinna. She is such a helpful lady and I know I can trust her. Thank you, Anlinna."
~Ann Lee, Mummy of 1 girl

~Mdm Ma, Mummy of 1 boy

"Hi Anlinna, thanks for being such a nice friend. Though we hardly know each other,  but i realised we always have lots of things to chat when we meet. You are specially helpful whenever i have any problems when my children are sick. Your prompt response is always appreciated.  Thanks a lot for everything. Though we are not able to meet up often,  but i know you will always be there whenever i need you.  Just to let u know that i will also be around when u need me. "
~Christine Tan, Mummy of 2 kids

"Thanks Anlinna. 
Health is always very important to me. I came from a family with allergy and asthma background, so I searched for many solutions to get better and read many books.  I found that our own immune system is very important factors to our health. As a mom, I always try to find the closest source of vitamins for my children to take because nowadays there are many products contains chemicals and preservatives that contributes to the main cause of more and more people have cancer, etc. I am so happy that I found Nutritional Immunology because not only it's all healthy wholesome plant-based food, it also safe for my entire family to eat. Due to my healthy lifestyle and habit, from time to time I have friends asking for health advice from me. I am so grateful to be able to share NI to others because I believe it will make a difference in their health and peace of mind that it is safe to take regardless of what health conditions they have because everyone can eat natural food. 
Even with my busy schedule and very demanding job, I try to focus and prioritize what's important. I believe if we have a will, we can find ways to make it happen. It's very important to have a good mentor to coach me along the way, and thank you so much Anlinna, you've been very positive and supportive mentor to me."
~Ayrin Widjaja, Mummy of 2 kids

Thank you and best regards
Health trainer / speaker / coach