Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Parenting Tips: Monthly expenditure checklist for Alyssa going to P1 in 2016

My eldest daughter is going to primary school in a few days and I have prepared the above to set a great start to money management since she's going to handle money really soon.

I hope she will a good concept in money, math and a sense of responsibility through this practice.

PM me to get a copy of the above.

Thank you and best regards
Health trainer / coach / speaker

Addition as at 5 Jan 2016
School is fun for Alyssa!
 Sewed this to her inner skirt to hook following picture.

 Purse at $10.90 and rubber spring with hook abt $2+ from Popular

Box from Daiso

Her handwritten from 1st version

After modification

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Do you face constipation during holidays? (Christmas 2015 @ Penang)

We just came back from a 6 days holidays to penang.

Usually during holidays, we are lack of water and fibre to have regular bowel movement and we tend to eat the local delights when travelling and with all these, we are accumulating toxin in our body.

We are just like you.  However during our holidays, I packed for my family this HEALTHY BREAKFAST for my children and hubby and myself.  Our bowel movement was regular and my hubby could feel a difference after 1 breakfast.  He cleared his bowel 2-3x daily instead of once.

For family, you might want to stay at Golden Sands (under Shangrila).  They had activities for children during Christmas.  Kids had fun!!!


Water game.

Tyre game.

Magic Show!!!

Games and activities for more than 2 hours!!! Our kids in purple team is the Winning Team!

Their Mascot and Santa Claus giving our goodies bags.

They were happy with their balloons sculpturing.

Gold sands a nice sliding pool too. :)

Penang holidays was a great trip with good food, good accommodation, good family bonding, fun activities and many more!!!

Looking forward to our next extended family annual Christmas holidays!

Thank you and best regards
Health trainer / coach / speaker
*Please respect the writer.  Pls do not copy her content, pictures and testimonials belonging to her. Thank you.*

Saturday, 19 December 2015

New books for Christmas!

My elder sister bought Making Friends is an ART for our kids last Christmas and this year i decided to bless some of my friends' kids with 1 of these wonderful books.  Sharing is Caring.

I find that it is more important to build a resilience kid with good characters than to have a kid who score all As.  EQ is more important than having high IQ in this modern society.  

Parenting is never easy.  It is a journey which our kids are constantly learning and we grow with them to make ourselves a better person / parent too.

I strive to bring up my kids to be of values to the society.

Thank you and best regards
Health consultant / coach / speaker

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Cancer • The Immune System • Diet

Cancer • The Immune System • Diet

It is predicted that by 2032 there will be 22 million new cancer cases globally annually and the number of cancer deaths will increase to 13 million every year.

The most common cancers diagnosed  in 2012 were lung,  breast and colon.

Contact us to order the Nutrition • Immunity • longevity book.

Thank you and best regards
Health coach / consultant / speaker