Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Singulair - asthma and allergy medication

 Have you heard of this medication Singulair?

It is a medication / "tonic" commonly given to allergy and asthma patients.

Alyssa took Singulair when she was 3+ for a period of time and thank God I got to know the science of Nutritional Immunology when she was about 4 years old and my kids are free from medication for 7 + years.  She was given more Singulair to be on standby with a chamber too after seeing the Specialist which kept me ponder why was she taking medication for 2 years yet health did not really improve.

Question we have to ask before taking medication?

- What's the objective of the medication? Suppress or heal us?

- Is the medication long term?

- Any side effects?

HSA reviews asthma drug Singulair over neuropsychiatric episodes, as parents of affected children call for warnings

Months after i embarked on this career, i was sharing with a mummy on the science of Nutritional Immunology and she shared with me her experience.  After she learned about the science of Nutritional Immunology, her daughter had been off from Singulair.  I am so happy for her!  Blessed to bless, let's Pay-It-Forward!

Be a wiser consumer. Choose food for medicine for long term health benefit over instant "cure".

Being healthy is not a goal.

Being Healthy is a way of Life.

Journey with me and lead a Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle to be healthier, happier and free from diseases and cancers.

Thank you and best regards
Anlinna Lim
Excellence Lifestyle Coach / Lifestyle Blogger & Youtuber
+65 9791 9279
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