Thursday, 5 December 2013

Both children had sudden fever

After coming back from half day cc on 3rd Dec 2013, their fever gradually went up fr almost 38 to 38.5 degree.

I started giving them the following.
1.30pm - a can of Millennium Sparkling to share before taking their nap

4pm - 1 sachet of CELEBRATION to share before dinner

7pm - 2 sachets of CELEBRATION to share before bed.

1045pm - 2 sachets of CELEBRATION to share before I sleep

4th dec 2013, no more fever!  I keep them home for the day and continue to give the following:
130pm - 1 sachet of CELEBRATION to share
830pm - 1 sachet of CELEBRATION to share

5th dec 2013, off to school!


Usually when the kids have fever,  it takes 2 days and 8 sachets of Millennium.  However this time I ran out of Millennium,  I use CELEBRATION and it works faster!

Thank you and best regards

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