Friday, 21 September 2018

Enjoy a happier & healthier way of life with Anlinna

I'm Anlinna, a lifestyle coach.  Beside leading a nutritional Immunology lifestyle, I try to have my family on a more plant base diet and eating more clean food to prevent diseases. We are what we eat. Prevention is better then cure. 

Health is the foundation to be happier and wealthier. 

I like exploring food recipe with our Nutritional Immunology food and pick up gardening 2 years ago.  By chance, I found Aerospring Gardening.

Following is my interview with Channel News Asia on 17 Aug 2018. If you would like to find out more about ASG, contact Thorben and quote "Anlinna".

Although i have a garden of 100 over plants, it still does not provide me with multi colours of plant food that our body needs.  With the wisdom from the science of nutritional immunology, i could safeguard my family health, be healthier and happier.

Want to be healthier, happier and wealthier, contact us.  We have helped many transformed their lives. 

If you would like to get an Aerospring, here is a $50 off discount off your 1st Aerospring.
Discount code.

Thank you and best regards
Lifestyle Coach, O2O business owner, blogger & youtuber, traveller, more vegan diet, gardener & Jesus follower
+65 9791 9279
*Please respect the writer.  Pls do not copy her content, pictures and testimonials belonging to her. Thank you.*

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