Wednesday, 13 April 2022

How to manage menopause symptoms healthily?


When a woman experience menopause, 
1 of the results is rapid bone mass loss especially the first 3 years of menopause.

Research has found Japanese women who take plenty soy has experienced significant reduce in menopause symptoms. Plant food high in ANTIOXIDANTS and PHYTOCHEMICALS  also help to prevent hormonal related diseases.

Take PLANT FOOD high in Vitamin C, fibre and protein, helps to reduce post menopause osteoporosis.

Menopausal women. please avoid sugary and caffeine food (high processed food, coffee, bubble tea etc) and alcohol beverages to stabilise blood sugar levels and reduce the burden on the liver.

I am asked, do MEN experience MENOPAUSE?
It is called ANDROPAUSE.

Some men do experience significant Andropause symptoms.

It involves a drop in testosterone production in men who are age 50 or older. 

Poor diet and lifestyle can accelerate the body aging.

How can you manage the transition?

How to start living well before menopause? 
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Anlinna Lim
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