Do you experience excruciating menstruation pain and discomfort?
A study has shown that about 15% of the women experience excruciating pain which affects their work and activities for 1-2 days.
Personally, I do have a few friends who experience severe pain and either have to excuse from work or feeling discomfort for several days or months and even years. Imagine your car brake has worn off and you continue driving for days and months, what will happen next ?
What cause menstruation pain?
Before menstruation, our body will release large amount of inflammatory prostaglandins which constrict the blood vessels in the uterus and make the muscle layer contract, causing painful cramps. When the prostaglandins enter the bloodstream, it might cause headache, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
How do women usually cope with menstruation pain?
Usually women take pain killer to reduce the pain.
Our liver is our detox organ. Singapore being a food haven, we are exposed to high processed, high sugar, oily food which over work our liver to detox. With medication on a regular basis, our liver will be overburdened and toxic will start accumulating in the body. It becomes a vicious cycle.
What are the food that fight inflammation and tame menstruation pain?
Wholesome food such as vegetables and fruits high in antioxidants and phytochemicals, eg berries, cactus, acerola cherry and rose.
Research has shown that a plant base diet decrease body inflammation in the body. This is due to the high antioxidants and phytochemicals found in plant food that help the body to function more effectively.
Animal products do not contain antioxidants, phytochemicals and fibre and contain fat content and estrogen which trigger the release of large amount of inflammatory prostaglandins which causes the menstruation pain and discomfort.
My clients often tell me, "do you mean i have to become a vegetarian to be healthy???"
It is not the amount of junk food we eat that cause us to be unhealthy. It is, we do not consume larger amount of disease fighting food which has high antioxidants, phytochemicals and polysaccharides.
High meat diet also increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases as well as hormonal disease and cancers.
With a change to a vegan and plant base diet, study has shown that women suffer lesser menstruation pain, water retention and mood swing.
Start taking baby steps. Once you experience free from pain, improve in complexion, stamina, quality of sleep and productivity, most likely you will not turn back.
Do not confuse Phytoestrogen with Estrogen
Plant estrogen is called, Phytoestrogen. It exist in wholesome plant, fruits and vegetables.
Estrogen exist in meat.
High meat diet also increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases as well as hormonal disease and cancers.
With a change to a morevegan and plant base diet, study has shown that women suffer lesser menstruation pain, water retention and mood swings.
Start taking baby steps. Once you experience free from pain, improve in complexion, stamina, quality
of sleep and productivity, highly you will not turn back.
Where can you conveniently consume a high fibre, protein, antioxidants, phytochemicals and polysaccharide food?Where can you learn more healthy tips?We have more events coming up to share more on a healthier way of life.
Knowledge is powerful.Application is wisdom.
Anlinna Lim
Excellence Lifestyle Coach / Lifestyle Blogger & Youtuber
+65 9791 9279
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