Thursday, 4 May 2017

Alyssa high fever a week before exam

Alyssa came home with high fever yesterday after school.  She was at 38.5 degree at 1.30pm. Feeling lethargic, she skipped her lunch and dinner altogether and slept from 3pm to 8am the next day with intermittent to the loo and some drinks.

I'm not worried as I have already mastered the wise knowledge to safeguard my family and friends' health.

At 11pm last night

Within a day, her high fever is gone!!! Praise God!

Above is on top of her daily nourishment.

In this modern society where food is abundant, we are not lack of carbo and protein in our daily diet but nutrients that help us to keep our body healthier when we are healthy.

I feel it pays to be a wiser mummy who constantly learn and grow after graduating, helps in my family health and finances, inculcate the children with the right upbringing and values in life and bringing happiness to our family and people around us.

Today I texted her Form Teacher that she's unable to attend school and asked if there is any homework which we can pick up for her. I was informed that she's going through practice test paper later.  I showed her the message.  My hubby told me to bring her to school at 1030am when the teacher reverted.  Will you? I didn't.  Reason is simple. What will she learns from here? She has to learn the cause and effect and everyone of us has ownership of our health, study, what we say and do, future etc. If I dont let her learn now then WHEN? Arev you with me???

I'm thankful to have embarked on this purposeful career that God has put in my life to transform my world and people around me.

Food for thought:
Be healthier when we are healthy
Not be healthy when sick
Prevention is better than cure
Prevention is cheaper than cure

Do you prepare your kids for school?
I prepare my kids for life.  ☺

Do you want to transform your life to create great values to your love ones around you?

I await your whatsapp message to transform our lives together. 👐👐👐

Thank you and best regards
Mentor / Health Consultant / Trainer / Lifestyle blogger
+65 9791 9279
***Pls respect the author of this article, no pictures are to be used without persmission.

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