Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Parenting Tip: Successful people focus on opportunity; poor people focus on obstacles

During our pillow talk last night, Alyssa was telling me that next week they would have a Graffulo performance in school and she was upset that she got the Graffulo role, her friends can talk normally while she has to talk like a graffulo.

What would you do as a parent?

Applying what i learn from my business, i analyse the situation to her.

I explained / using asking question technique to both Alyssa and Zachary.
Do you know that Graffulo is a leading role?   Are you thankful for getting the leading role?  Are you thankful for being given the opportunity to perform?  Successful people see every event as an opportunity; poor people see obstacles and these people like to complain, justify and blame.

Would you be happier to be like your classmates doing other roles?  Do you want to follow the crowd or being the special one?

(Both see the point of having a successful mindset at this point)

I related another story. Ugly duckling story.
If you were given a chance to perform as an ugly duckling, are you going to be thankful?  If you are going to be just 1 of the duckling following beside the mother duck, are you going to do your best too, Alyssa?

Above was part of the pillow talk.  My kids always request that i sleep with them and they love talking to me at bedtime.  They will update their days with us.  I feel that we as parents should try our best to cultivate that.  Do not let our life overwhelm us.  If we decided to have children, we should do our best to plant the little seeds in their lives so that they will bloom to be a successful (do not mistakenly associate successful to having lots of money. That is too shallow to even think of that) person to contribute to the society.

Thank God for giving me such a wonderful career.

Sharing is Caring
Health trainer / coach / speaker

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