Monday, 29 October 2018

Fermented food for a healthy gut?

I refer to my article dated 9 September 2018,  according to studies, probiotics benefits to gut health remain questionable .

(Click picture for clearer view)

"The gut microbiota of each individual is unique."

"... diet considered the most promising factor.."

"Indeed, there is no need for daily probiotic supplements as a healthy body self regulates its microbiota..."

"Children, too, can take probiotics supplements, but it has not been shown to have added health benefits..."

With a healthy diet of wholesome plant, fruits and vegetables in our diet, our body will do its own work.  The best doctor in the world is our immune system.  Nourish it well like a Ferrari, it will function like one.  Many diseases are caused by the malfunction of our immune system.

Let your healthy immune system be your ASSET instead of liability.

Thank you and best regards
Lifestyle Coach, O2O business owner, blogger & youtuber, traveller, more vegan diet, gardener & Jesus follower
+65 9791 9279
*Please respect the writer.  Pls do not copy her content, pictures and testimonials belonging to her. Thank you.*

Saturday, 27 October 2018

Researchers have long suspected microplastic would eventually be found in human gut

Thur, 25 Oct 2018. Click for clearer view. 

"Researchers have long suspected microplastic would eventually be found in human gut."

Some golden questions. 
- Are marine food safe for consumption (now)?
- Can we cut down on plastic and exercise more social responsibility?
- How can we safeguard our gut health?

I try and cut down the use of plastic straw by using stainless steel drinking straw. 
Stainless steel drinking straw in a cup of chamoment

Stainless steel drinking straw in coconut drink.

How do I keep my gut healthier?
1. I choose to eat more wholesome plant, fruits and vegetables.
2. I break fast with a high fibre breakfast to nourish my gut, recharge my body and keep myself energetic throughout the day.

Contact me now to learn more on how do we lead a healthier way of life. 

Thank you and best regards
Lifestyle Coach, O2O business owner, blogger & youtuber, traveller, more vegan diet, gardener & Jesus follower
+65 9791 9279

Sunday, 21 October 2018

How can you achieve soft, silky and healthy hair?

Thank you and best regards
Lifestyle Coach, O2O business owner, blogger & youtuber, traveller, more vegan diet, gardener & Jesus follower
+65 9791 9279

Unapproved dietary supplements, less than half were recalled

According to the U.S. FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, from 2007 to 2016, there were unapproved drugs in 776 types of dietary supplements that were mainly used for sexual enhancement, weight loss, and muscle growth. However, despite the FDA’s warnings, only less than half were recalled. Furthermore, drugs banned by the FDA, such as

- Sibutramine and phenolphthalein, were found in weight-loss supplements

These have a potential for serious adverse health effects; sibutramine has the potential to increase blood pressure and the risk of stroke.

According to FDA, Phenolphthalein was an ingredient in some Over-the-Counter laxative products until 1999 when the FDA reclassified the drug as “not generally recognized as safe and effective” after studies indicated that phenolphthalein presented a potential carcinogenic risk. Phenolphthalein has also been found to be genotoxic in that it can damage or cause mutations to DNA.

- Steroids were found in muscle-building products

In addition to liver injury, anabolic steroids have been associated with serious reactions such as severe acne, hair loss, altered mood, irritability, increased aggression, and depression. They have also been associated with life-threatening reactions such as kidney damage, heart attack, stroke, pulmonary embolism (blood clots in the lungs), and deep vein thrombosis (blood clots that occur in veins deep in the body).

For more info, read

Be a wise consumer. Internal health is far more important than external beauty. 

Choose Wholesome Super Food with excellent record on food safety over off the shelf.

Check what is the ingredients listed on the label.  Are they wholesome food or chemically made? Any preservatives and chemicals added to prolong shelf life? 

Thank you and best regards
Lifestyle Coach, O2O business owner, blogger & youtuber, traveller, more vegan diet, gardener & Jesus follower
+65 9791 9279

Monday, 1 October 2018

With Artificial Intelligence, how could you position yourself?

Click picture for clearer view.

Are you amazed how technology is moving on and how it has tremendously improve our lifestyle?
We have moved on from:
- directory to Google map
- telephone book to Google search
- booking holidays through agencies to online booking
- snail mail to email
- telegraphy to smart phone
- flying around the world for business transactions to closing a business in less than a min
- e.t.c

Do you see the hidden risks behind world modernization?
Automation and robots have efficiently and can easily replace 10s of manpower resources.

What's next?
Singapore population is currently 5.8m and in 2030 it could increase to 6.3m. With increase in number of people and job replacement by automation and robots, what could be the employment ratio by then??? Currently, the unemployment rate is at a safer zone of 2%.

Many jobs could be replaced or have been replaced in the near future.
- Customer service officer
- Chef
- Teacher
- Driver
- Lawyer
- Doctors
- Pharmacist
- Cashier
- waiter
- Engineer
- Accountant
- Data entry clerk
- Journalists
- Construction worker
- Musicians
- e.t.c

It affects both blue and white collar.

How could we safeguard ours and our next generation future???
With world modernization, it is indeed a good innovation.  So what can we do now and in future???  We can't beat them, let's leverage on them!!!

I'm leveraging on an app to build a business system globally.  Business could be dealt within a min!

When you choose to remain status quo, you are intentionally moving yourself from middle class to poor class.

You have a choice to make a difference to your future.  NOW  is the time!

Join me and my team now!

Thank you and best regards
Lifestyle Coach, O2O business owner, blogger & youtuber & Jesus follower
+65 9791 9279