Wednesday, 5 July 2023

Ultra processed food may be linked to poorer mental, physical health

 Ultra Processed Food, UPF can increase mental risks, diseases of the cardiovascular and even cancers

Low grade inflammation is not easy to be detected. Prolong chronic low grade inflammation is damaging to our body.

Woman of my age needs about 1800 calories and man 2,400 calories.


Many parents admitted that they still buy UPF out of convenience even knowing it is unhealthy.

The more unhealthy food we are exposed to, the more we need a high fibre diet.

Therefore I insist on taking Healthy Breakfast to start my day and score 1 goal 🥅 right out of the 3 meals.

I choose the pain of discipline instead of pain of regret

There's a saying, it is always late than never. 😃

Start your Healthy Breakfast from NOW

Let us journey with you to a healthier way of life.

Your Excellence Lifestyle Coach / Lifestyle Blogger & Youtuber
Anlinna Lim
+65 9791 9279
WeChat & Line: anlinnalim
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Saturday, 1 July 2023

Diabetes to double to 1.3billion by 2050

 Does it come as a surprise to you?

Just 27 more years...

Prematured Chronic diseases are getting more and more prevalent due to unhealthy lifestyle and diet. 

I have some friends around my age already have very high cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases since few years ago.
Thankfully some embark on the nutritional immunology lifestyle already.

Why wait for the government?

It is our health, not others. 
Be in control of our lives. 

Live by design, not by default.

Different choices, different result. 

I make mine. How about you?

Let us journey with you to a healthier way of life.

Your Excellence Lifestyle Coach / Lifestyle Blogger & Youtuber
Anlinna Lim
+65 9791 9279
WeChat & Line: anlinnalim
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Facebook (Add Page for more info!)
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