Our body is formed with many different systems. Watch the videos below and you will understand that digestive system is an important system in our body. Weak and malfunction digestive system affects our functionality of detoxification, absorption and affect our livers which will also affect our body as a whole and affect our immune system to do proper defense, cleanse and repair.
Watch "How Digestion Works" on YouTube. Discover how poor digestive system can lead to fatty liver.
To prevent constipation and proper detoxification, adequate amount of water and fibre are required to have a healthy digestive system.
How to prevent through you daily diet:
You should consume at least 2-3 litres of water (the colour of your urine will be able to tell. There should be no odour and it should be colourless) and fiber of at least 10 apples a day.
I Shape (lite) is a high fiber and low calorie (57 and 74) beverage with soy, psyllium husks and american ginseng and many different plant fruits and vegetables with no added chemical nor addictive. It also provide a source of calcium, protein, fiber, folic acid (from plant) and other disease fighting nutrients to strengthen the immune system. High fiber diet helps to lower the risk of fatty livers and prevent cardiovascular diseases and colorectal cancer.
Orchestra is a beverage with kumazasa, ashitaba and platycodon roots which helps to improve cardiovascular, digestive and nervous systems. This synergised beverage has cancer prevention properties and anti allergic, anti viral and anti bacteria properties as well.
To further enhance your digestive system functionality, read here.
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